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About Organization for the Development of Port-Margot

The foundation was created by the citizens of Port-Margot living in South Florida in November 2005. The members of the Board of Directors are all-volunteers, professionals, and truthful citizens. On January 12, 2007, we move to a different level by incorporating this foundation and baptized it as “Organization for the Development of Port-Margot, Inc.” (ODEP Inc.).

On July 14, 2011, we became a 501 (c)(3) Organization and Tax Exempt. We have helped and continues to help people in need. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian, philanthropic organization of Haitians and Haitian-Americans, created to protect, promote a safe environment and improve education, health and support all people in needs through integrated community efforts.

Anyone who supports the mission of the organization can be a member or a supporter. We have an open membership drive as stated in our bylaws. Our dream is to connect to all Port-Margotians, friends, and supporters around the world.

Our Vision

ODEP will continue to look for ways to positively impact every child and citizen of Port-Margot. We will continue to seek for resources and empower ourselves with skills to strengthen the organization to make our mission manifest. ODEP will continue to value human life, dignity, and integrity so that we continue to focus on our mission which is changing lives.

Our Mission

The Organization for the development of Port-Margot, Incorporated (Odep Inc.) is a non-profit organization created by the citizens of Port-Margot and organized exclusively for educational, social, developmental, and charitable purposes for the benefit of the Haitian and Haitian-American communities here and in Port-Margot, Haiti.

Our Commitment

ODEP’s commitment to the betterment of Port Margot spans throughout all areas of the life of all Port-Margotians. ODEP actively works to improve local schools and equipment for students, infrastructure for the town such as facility construction, road renovation, street signs, bridge building, and more. Our mission is to improve the lives of all residents of Port-Margot and to build a sustainable, happy community.

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