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We are all aware of the crisis our country is facing with the emergence of the unprecedented

COVID-19 that caused a declaration of emergency throughout the country. The number of new cases is adding up rapidly and the death toll increases enormously every day. The board of ODEP sympathizes with all of those who are affected with COVID-19 and have lost a loved one. We are deeply sorry!

As we are struggling as a nation to fight against this disease, we are asking everyone to be aware of the potential risks of COVID-19 and the safety measures that we need to take to stay healthy. We encourage everyone to practice good hygiene and follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can be found at

Let us stay together to build the strength that we need to get through this difficult time.


ODEP In Action

ODEP priorities are to improve and save lives, create and maintain a safer environment, and promote better education. And so, ODEP is motivated to work with its local team to take action during this pandemic in the community of Port-Margot. An action plan is already in place to make aware everyone in the community about what COVID-19 is and the safety measures they need to take.

Please, help us buy Personal Protective Equipment to help our community!Together, we can make a positive impact in Port-Margot!Please, click below to donate. Thank you for your donation!

Detailed Plan

The plan is detailed as followed:

  • A two-day (May 3-4) campaign of awareness covering all the six communal sections of Port-Margot.
  • The whole team will be divided into small groups with ODEP T-Shirts to reach out to those where vehicles cannot penetrate.
  • A DJ with a sound system will drive through the community explaining what COVID-19 is, what to expect, and precaution measures that need to be taken.
  • Flyers with important information about the pandemic will be posted everywhere possible.
  • Portable water fountains and liquid soap will be placed in designated-strategic locations.

A glimpse of the COVID-19 Awareness Campaign in the 6 Communal Sections
May 3rd and 4th 2020

Communal section of Grande Plaine including Petit Bourg, Margot, Guilette, Jean Maitre, etc.

Communal Section of Bas Petit-Bogne

Communal Section of Corail including Anneau, Bernard, Boudette, La tapie, Robert, Terre Rouge, etc.

Communal Section of La Planche including Grande Habitation

Communal Section of Bas Quartier including Bayeux, Choucou Bay, Novion, Coco, etc..

Communal Section of Bras Gauche

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