We are all aware of the crisis our country is facing with the emergence of the unprecedented
COVID-19 that caused a declaration of emergency throughout the country. The number of new cases is adding up rapidly and the death toll increases enormously every day. The board of ODEP sympathizes with all of those who are affected with COVID-19 and have lost a loved one. We are deeply sorry!
As we are struggling as a nation to fight against this disease, we are asking everyone to be aware of the potential risks of COVID-19 and the safety measures that we need to take to stay healthy. We encourage everyone to practice good hygiene and follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can be found at www.cdc.gov
Let us stay together to build the strength that we need to get through this difficult time.
ODEP In Action
Detailed Plan
A glimpse of the COVID-19 Awareness Campaign in the 6 Communal Sections
May 3rd and 4th 2020
Communal section of Grande Plaine including Petit Bourg, Margot, Guilette, Jean Maitre, etc.
Communal Section of Bas Petit-Bogne
Communal Section of Corail including Anneau, Bernard, Boudette, La tapie, Robert, Terre Rouge, etc.
Communal Section of La Planche including Grande Habitation
Communal Section of Bas Quartier including Bayeux, Choucou Bay, Novion, Coco, etc..
Communal Section of Bras Gauche
To view a brief report on that campaign, please click on the link below.